As it has almost hit 9 months since returning from my trip which initially crowned me with my title of the “Travelling Dietitian” I have started to feel the itch to once again go out on a mission beyond the streets of Melbourne, Australia (as beautiful as they are!).

Having published my book “The Clean Separation”, completed my Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, shifted into a new career in media communications, and continued with my corporate nutrition endeavours, I am finding that my true passion to really go out and make a bigger difference in this world is still bitting at my feet, and has pushed me to once again take a leap of faith and set out across the globe!

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It’s funny (or at least I giggle at the situation); I had thought by now there may be one element of my life “holding” me here in Australia, be it a big contract for work, a partner, or something else I haven’t even fathomed possibly;  However it seems this is not the case; and what I know, and I have shared in a previous post when I travelled throughout Italy with my family, is that life is about perspective. I could be harsh on myself or upset about the elements that almost feel out of my control, or I can look at it as a positive, and be excited at what opportunities may present themselves if I just live in the day.

I can honestly say, I am SO lucky to come from such a supportive family, with parents who just keep telling me to trust my gut and go out and take on the world. Having sadly (for me that is) had my sister depart earlier this year and move her life overseas on a whim (and who by the way couldn’t sound happier if she tried!), I followed suit with my families approach, trusted my instincts, and made a split second decision to book an airfare.

So with this in mind, I am excited to share with you all the adventure that we will all be going on together over the next couple of months!

Part 1 : American Somoa – July 4th – 16th 2013 (and yes I am aware that many people think this is one of the most random places on earth for me to select to venture to on my own!)

American somoa american somoa 2 american somoa map

I decided to head to American Somoa with no hesitation at all, knowing that it was the most densely populated region in the world for obesity (I don’t mind a challenge if you haven’t noticed yet).

My guess is that the compounding effect of the Western world (America), together with some of the dietary habits and genetics within the Polynesian countries, could be partially responsible for this huge epidemic!

I have reached out to the Government personnel responsible for some of their nutritional and health related programs, and should all go to plan, will be volunteering my time whilst there to learn and assist first hand about the food, cultural practices, and how it is currently attempting to be managed.

Hopefully, as I did back at my college in the USA (leaving my mark by revamping the menu for future students) I will be able to leave some small mark on the system or people whose lives I am lucky enough to come into contact with at the time!

I can’t wait to share images, videos (if I can work out how to do that!), and posts, of the lives that are lived by others in this reasonably isolated part of the globe.

Now, I had thought that may be enough…however 24 hours after booking that trip, I decided there was still more that needed to be done if I was to live up to my title as Travelling Dietitian..So….Part 2!

July 28th – August 20th:

  1. NYC
  2. LA
  3. San Francisco
  4. Vegas (I think!)

Yep, you guessed it…. I could not be more excited to return to NYC and scope out all the innovations in the food supply since 9 months ago, as well as see my friends and colleagues who were all SO wonderful and welcoming to me last year (my only concern…I again will not want to leave!).


LA is where my gorgeous co-author of The Clean Separation, The Bikini Chef, is based. We have actually never met face to face!  I could not be more excited to join her in her home town, and spend some quality time with her; My virtual friend and colleague, who I admire so very much.

The Bikini Chef, Susan Irby spreading the news about The Clean Separation!

The Bikini Chef, Susan Irby spreading the news about The Clean Separation!

LA is a hub for amazing nutrition and healthy food related companies; many of which I have always believed will one day make their way to the Australia shores. I will share with you all who I meet and what interesting developments are going on in the nutrition world from across the ocean as my plans unravel.

I will pay San Francisco a quick visit to say hi to some colleagues and venture into the city that everyone keeps telling me I MUST visit, and then,

Finally, I am hoping to make my way for a quick visit to a wonderful dietitian (and I believe foodie as well!) over in Vegas. We will hopefully all get a tour from a locals perspective…and nothing beats that (..and in Vegas..this should be very interesting!) .

The trip will be a relatively quick one, purely due to the fact that the day I return I will be attending my Masters graduation ceremony (this one is purely for the parents pleasure!).

As you can see, it seems like a world of excitement ahead of me, and that the adventure that awaits us all should be a very enlightening and rewarding one!

..anticipating a little excitement over the next couple of months..

..anticipating a little excitement over the next couple of months..

I ask that you remember one of the first things I wrote in this post…life is about perspective. If you have some of those other elements in your life that “hold” you, but ultimately make you happy, do remember how good they are too, and not that the grass is always greener ( is just different).

As I always say, “If I don’t live my life, no one else will for me!”….so off I go….definitely living in the moment here!

Wish me luck?

Can’t wait to share this with you all,

Travelling Dietitian x

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

6 Responses

  1. Toni

    What an amazing adventure you are about to embark on – good luck & I look forward to your updates… Toni x

  2. Brett Parker

    Thoroughly look forward to hearing of your next round of experiences Kara! Keep up the GREAT work! I agree that it would be so easy to throw it all in the too hard basket but there are leaders, followers, those who dream, and those who dare to chase their dreams. You know who who you are 🙂

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