One week into being a New Yorker, and something in me felt like being patriotic and sharing with you all a product that stacks up nutritionally phenomenally from my home country.

kangaroo sausages macro meats australia

Being an Aussie I am always so proud to see innovative healthy food products coming out of Australia, and Macro Meat Kangaroo Sausages are a great example of this. Being gluten free, low in saturated fat, high in protein and a good source of a range of vitamins and minerals – Kanga Bangas certainly qualify for a #TDApproved product!

Although potentially under different branding, you can buy kangaroo meat sausages in the US as well, such as from this online retailer (it just comes at a premium price).

The nutritional profile of Kanga Bangas really is quite special; This table sums it up pretty clearly, and I think you will be surprised just how well the sausages stack up even against the other cuts of kangaroo meat (which by the way, are all super lean!)

Kanga Bangas are a real anomaly in the sausage world – I’m not sure you find many dietitians recommending regular sausages as they are typically calorie dense, whilst being devoid of much nutrition. These guys on the other hand actually are packed with iron (over 3g in just 2 small sausages), B12, and zinc, and have the added advantage of being gluten free too for those desiring this. They are seriously lean, meaning for around 620kJ or 140 calories, you get over 25g of naturally occurring protein, with minimal fat or carbohydrates (they are basically super filling!).

kanga bangas nutrition

Kangaroo meat is available in abundance in Australia, it is a sustainable food source given the only meat sold is that of animals that are going to need to be culled irrespectively, and all in addition to providing a super nutritious meat option – which I know many people do love!

As I mentioned, they are a rich source of iron, zinc, B vitamins, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which is suggested to have anti-cancer properties through it’s ability to up-regulate tumour suppressor genes in the body, as well as positive benefits for weight management. The macro meats website has some great information on the nutritional profile of their products, so I recommend checking it out here.

kanga banga

On a final note, I would just suggest not overcooking kangaroo meat in whichever form you purchase it in, as it turns rubbery quite quickly! (I’m guessing because of the lack of fat content). Basically, just make sure you cook them on the grill or BBQ for a very short amount of time (not such a bad thing if you are a time poor individual I suppose!).

I’d highly recommend giving Kanga Bangas a go sometime, and don’t forget to tag your recipes with #TDApproved.

Until next week!

TD x

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

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