As most of you know by now, when it comes to discovering new products and ingredients in the health space (that I genuinely believe could enhance ones ability to consume beneficial nutrients in an enjoyable manner).. I get a little excited (and by a little, I mean a lot! Yes, nutrition nerd coming out in full force).

Over the past few months I have slowly but surely been spotting random products that I thought I would share with you today to keep you all up to speed on some of the ingredients to watch out for, or to source yourself, if you are interested in trying them!

Product 1: Grape seed flour

Not something I have seen widely available, but it is a wonderful gluten free flour that is absolutely packed with antioxidants (I mean, packed)! I came across this at a Restaurant and Food Show in NYC, and amazingly the business owner was actually from Adelaide, Australia! Take a look at the grape seed flour companies website where they have a number of links to scientific studies and show the nutritional composition of the flour.

grape skin flour

Product 2: VitaFiber

Anyone on my Facebook would know I am a HUGE fan of VitaFiber. It is a nonGMO prebiotic soluble fiber supplement that is sweet in flavour and comes in both liquid and powder form, and which can be used in place of sugar. Although it used to only be available as a wholesale item in Canada and the USA, it is now being commercialised by “Sweet It” so that we all can enjoy it!

As a side note- Australia for some reason has still not had it approved by FSANZ, however I am told its in the process of having this changed so that it will be available there too shortly. I am waiting for the day that this comes in little sachets, and is next to all the sugar and sugar alternatives in the local coffee shops!

I got sent a sample when I reached out to the Canadian company behind the initial products. LOVED using them regularly.

I got sent a sample when I reached out to the Canadian company behind the initial products. LOVED using them regularly.

Product 3: Cricket flour based energy and protein bars

Definitely something new for the Western world to get used to / accept as a protein source! Cricket flour is a more sustainable protein source than many of the current available options, that is packed with nutrition. There are a number of companies, such as Exo and Chapul, that are emerging in the health food space that are switched onto this ingredient and have already started to make waves. I look forward to seeing how this all evolves, as at the moment, you definitely pay a premium.

Exo cricket protein bar

Exo cricket protein bar

Product 4: Mangosteen fruit powder supplements

Another premium product that focuses on the antioxidant and polyphenol compounds found naturally occurring within the fruit. There has been a study performed looking at the immune enhancement effects that can come from consuming mangosteen in supplement form, and the results were quite positive.


Knowing me, I could probably keep going with more products I have come across, but for now, I think this opens you all up to potentially some new products you haven’t tried yet, without me going over board!

Do let me know if you try any of these products, I would love to hear about your experiences!

For now,

From a sunny NYC (finally!),

TD x

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

4 Responses

  1. Heidi - Apples Under My Bed

    I heard about those cricket flour bars! I wonder what they taste like…I’d totally go there. The grape flour is super interesting. I wonder what happens when you bake with it, too, in terms of any nutrient destruction. Totally the wrong word there but it’s monday, Karz x

  2. Amy

    Hi Kara, thanks for keeping us up to date on these. Just wondering if there is any news about the Vita Fiber being available in aus? I have had a look on their website and can’t see that they ship here yet. Maybe it is still waiting approval. I am in love with quest bars (thanks to you!) And want to try making my own. I wonder if there are any other brands that make a similar product.
    Thanks heaps Kara!

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