Pistachio Nuts Australia

Hi everyone,

Being long overdue for a post I thought I would get the ball rolling again by sharing with you some really interesting new research that was found about the habits of regular pistachio nut eaters in Australia! I promise, I’ll have a few more regular posts in the coming few weeks!

So just a quick post to begin…can you see yourself in the numbers below?

Pistachio Lifestyle Factsheet_FINAL-1 copy Pistachio Lifestyle Infographic_FINAL-2 copy

For now,

TD x

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

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