Hi everyone,

So as a new chapter of my life begins here in Sydney, it seems only fitting to look back and reflect on the last three and half years (which really felt more like a decade!).

What started from a simple drunken conversation on a Saturday night out at a bar on Chapel St in Melbourne with a former Masters student regarding how much I needed to go on an exchange program that was offered by our university to up state New York, turned into the biggest adventure, soul provoking, and mind strengthening endeavour one could imagine.

Me, innocent eyed, with one of my ex's, back in Melbourne, the day before it ALL began and I left to become the Travelling Dietitian.

Me, innocent eyed, with one of my ex’s, back in Melbourne, the day before it ALL began and I left to become the Travelling Dietitian.

The way we frame our lives is so deeply connected to our values, and the way we perceive our lives is shaped by the lens we throw over it.

If I was to take a negative outlook, I could see that:

  • I had copious rejections from job interviews and pitches,
  • I had producers and co-hosts let me down on projects that I had held my end of the deal on and worked extremely hard to bring to fruition,
  • I had my heart truly broken three times after being welcomed into the mens families and made out to believe there was a solid future,
  • I went through stages of very limited budgets,
  • I had many days when the compounding effect of the above elements left me feeling as though the dots in my life were definitely not aligning, and I was very lost for answers.

But then I look at the same three and a half years with a glass half full approach;

I made so many incredible friendships with truly outstanding individuals from so many corners of the globe.


I travelled and lived confidently on my own throughout multiple countries.

travelling dietitian

I used the “chutzpah” deep inside me and arranged meetings to introduce myself to people that I admire so dearly or had a deep curiosity about such as Dr David Katz at Yale Preventative Medicine, Dr Dean Ornish in San Francisco, and many more.


I was shown incredible places such as Finland and New York City through local mens eyes whom loved me at the time and gave me memories one could only imagine.



I set up my own volunteering project in American Samoa and was called an angel from above by the department of health, being able to impart a positive impact on a country in needs nutritional health system.

Enjoying the beautiful waters in American Samoa after I finished my volunteering project.

Enjoying the beautiful waters in American Samoa after I finished my volunteering project.

I set myself the goal, and successfully wrote and published a book on an area of nutrition that I was passionate about and could tell was going to be a hot topic, which now years later has come into the media spotlight.

My book launch!

My book launch!

I graduated with my Masters Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.


I have gotten to know myself, and what I need to be truly happy, live with an authentic purpose, and all at the same time I have proven to myself that no matter how many times you get knocked down, you have to, and I can, pick myself up, and just keep going.



What started as a way of me removing myself from a life that didn’t feel innately right to me, living a very “comfortable” life with the wrong person, led to me taking a chance on life, trusting myself, and somehow growing my travelling dietitian brand, becoming a niche health product developer, and even becoming a branding and media dietitian.

travelling dietitian kara landau


It has been a humbling experience having journalists and respected colleagues reach out to me for interviews in the media or collaborations on projects;

As the person who has spent countless hours on end attending and introducing myself at expos and conferences, as well as sent emails, made calls, and attended meetings pitching ideas that were ultimately seen as too risky in a business world that likes trialled and tested plans, it is beyond refreshing to feel as though a touch of your hard work is coming together and a light is starting to be seen in the tunnel you are moving through.

Feature article in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age

Feature article in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age

Cosmopolitan magazine travelling dietitian feature

Cosmopolitan magazine travelling dietitian feature

I’ve had incredible highs, such as;

Swimming in the gorgeous waters of the Dominican Republic.

travelling dietitian

Waking up looking out over the insanely beautiful beach in Tulum Mexico.

travelling dietitian

Trying Skyr and other national delicacies with an Icelandic woman in her home.


Sitting outside having an incredible traditional lunch and being taken on boat rides around the islands with a Finnish family at their summer house.

travelling dietitian kara landau

Being taken to the locals hidden away beach town outside of Barcelona by a sweet Barcelona boy who was a fellow exchange student.

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Celebrating my parents 60th birthdays over incredible meals in both the magnificent Lake Como Italy, and buzzing city of Amsterdam.

travelling dietitian kara landau lake como

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Driving out to the middle of the desert to visit the Jordanian archeological city, the spectacle that is Petra.

Running on the cliff tops throughout Biarritz in the south of France, looking out over the choppy oceans.

travelling dietitian kara landau



Going into an American Samoan mother and childs home and joining them for one of their typical meals of fried chicken and taro.

The family whose home I went to for dinner.

The family whose home I went to for dinner.

Being wined and dined overlooking the immaculate Tokyo city skyline on a media tour.


Walking through the snow in -17 degrees celcius in up state new york and practically getting frost bite.

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and the list could go on…

Of course the one place I can’t leave out is the city that was, and will forever be, my second home, NYC.

Enjoying summer night rooftop bars with friends.



Attending and asking all the hard questions at PR or media events with colleagues.

On air in NYC

Networking and exploring all the healthy food exhibits.



Writing my book and tweeting at a celebrity chef whom I wanted to be involved (and successfully having her take part!).


Organising and filming one of the pilot show ideas I had in NYC.



Changing my visa status from student to worker in order to revamp the colleges dining halls.

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Sitting around a board room with the president of Weight Watchers North America and the VPs of marketing and telling them what the real underlying problems with their business were from a nutrition stand point.

Trialling every type of group fitness class under the sun, from barre, to pilates, HIIT to yoga, trampoline cardio to indoor surfing, and the list truly does go on. 


Going on way too many ridiculous (if not amusing) dates (I could probably write another book solely on this!).

Yes, even this was on a date at one point years ago!?

Yes, even this was on a date at one point years ago!?

Eating at some of the most incredible restaurants in my life.



Plus the little things like “whiskey and pancakes” with the crew, Google lunches, the piano man in Washington square park, 7/11 and GNC staff that fall in love with you..



…and a million more memories that I simply wouldn’t know where to start!

As I have said before, and I will say again…

America you were incredible to me, I have no doubt I will be back to visit you all very soon.



Although as I also have recently said, Sydney, I am so excited to be calling you my new home.


After four years of a relatively nomadic lifestyle, you can not wipe the smile off my face as I crawl into my own bed, even when it comes after 16 hour work days -yes that has been my norm for the past month!?

I look forward to channeling all the energies that have previously been split between travel, broken hearts, setting up in a new foreign country (and the like), into really having a positive impact in the nutrition space in my home country Australia.

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To everyone that has joined me along the way over the last few years, thank you for your continued support.

To my immediate family, together with those of you who have played guardian angels from near or a far in Melbourne, NYC, San Francisco, Tel Aviv and Sydney, thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being my rocks, and giving me the support I have needed in the harder times to continue to believe in myself.



Lets see what momentum for positive change we can make together in this next chapter here on the beautiful Australian shores.


Until next time,

TD x






About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.