Media Nutritionist and Dietitian Spokesperson

As an experienced, energetic, and trusted media nutritionist and dietitian spokesperson, utilising both digital and traditional media platforms, I welcome introductions and contact from food companies in Australia, the USA, and globally that feel their brands are a suitable fit with my nutritional philosophies and personality.

If you have a great healthy product that I would be proud to be associated with, have no doubt that your messages loud and clear will be heard and received well.

Kara Landau presenting to a room full of national health and food related magazine editors as an independent nutritionist at a product launch for a food client.

Kara Landau presenting to a room full of national health and food related magazine editors as an independent nutritionist at a product launch for a food client.

Both large and smaller companies are encouraged to reach out, as together, in a variety of ways, we can simultaneously make this world a healthier place, and help achieve your business growth.

Kara Landau providing healthy recipe development and quotes for her client SunRices new product range.

Kara Landau providing healthy recipe development and quotes for her client SunRices new product range.

Kara Landau representing her client SunRice discussing "clean eating" in the Sunday morning lifestyle section of the largest national health focused newspaper throughout Australia - Body+Soul.

Kara Landau representing her client SunRice discussing “clean eating” in the Sunday morning lifestyle section of the largest national health focused newspaper throughout Australia – Body+Soul.

Kara Landau on the radio discussing healthy eating from around the globe.

Kara Landau on the radio discussing healthy eating from around the globe.

My particular areas of speciality and passion include promoting healthy foods and beverages that are:

  • Low glycemic index or low glycemic load
  • High in dietary fiber
  • High in protein
  • Rich in omega 3’s
  • Rich in monounsaturated fats
  • A source of probiotics or prebiotics
  • A great source of a particular vitamin or mineral that is required during a specific life span stage
  • Microalgae sourced
  • Plant based protein sources
  • Specific for those with particular intolerances, dietary restrictions, or allergens
  • From ethical companies who are honest and are not misleading in their marketing

Unfortunately, we sometimes are not a good fit, to act in good faith, I am unlikely to be a good fit for products that are:

  • Filled with artificial sweeteners, additives and preservatives.
  • Foods that reduce saturated fat and replace them with refined carbohydrates
  • Foods that serve no nutritional purpose in a healthy eating plan
Kara Landau creating delicious recipes incorporating her clients products to promote consumption of healthy and tasty meals and snacks. Here Kara created a mix of roasted unsalted pistachios, raw cacao, chia seeds, and stevia, to be added over Greek yoghurt or oats for a flavour and nutritional boost.

Kara Landau creating delicious recipes incorporating her clients products to promote consumption of healthy and tasty meals and snacks. Here Kara created a mix of roasted unsalted pistachios, raw cacao, chia seeds, and stevia, to be added over Greek yoghurt or oats for a flavour and nutritional boost.

Services provided (and I am open to further suggestions), include:

  • Taking part in broadcast & print interviews
  • Working alongside editors for article development
  • Provision of quotes for press releases or articles
  • Representation at consumer and media events
  • Representative at professional and consumer trade shows
  • Brand representation in social media initiatives such as twitter and Facebook chats
  • Satellite media tours
  • Webinar development and presentations
  • Video and television content creation and hosting
  • Constructing and writing branded blog articles of print articles
Kara Landau acting as an independent media dietitian on national television.

Kara Landau acting as an independent media dietitian on national television.

For further information on my corporate profile as a media nutritionist spokesperson, please review my press kit or linkedin accounts.

All in all, if you have a healthy product that tastes great and is consumer friendly, please be in touch via email at or through the contact form below as I would be ecstatic to assist you achieve your goals and be proud to be a part of your team!

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Lets get in touch and see how I can help you!’ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]