Sugar Free Almond Butter – Vanilla Cinnamon Flavour

Hi everyone,

You will have noticed a sugar free vanilla cinnamon almond butter popping up over on my Instagram more often than not of late, so I thought I would share with you my go to recipe!

I add EVOO into the natural nut butter in order to smooth it out and get all the antioxidant benefits that are unique to EVOO, as well as some nutritional boosters to simply pack a punch!

Do not worry if you dont have all the extras, just use the base recipe, and then add in whichever you can get your hands on, should you want all the added nutritional goodness that the final recipe can provide!

As always, I have made it is gut strengthening by adding in prebiotic fibres, and the nut butter has no added sugar, and of course tastes amazing!

sugar free almond butter recipe by Kara Landau Travelling Dietitian Gut Health dietitian

sugar free almond butter recipe

Sugar Free Vanilla cinnamon Almond Butter


1 cup natural almond butter*

2 tbsp EVOO

1 tsp mesquite (provides a slight caramel sweet flavour)**

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp cinnamon

Sea salt to taste


Optional boosters:

1 tbsp VitaFiber prebiotic powder***

1 tbsp vanilla whey protein powder ****

1 tsp green nutritionals calcium powder (provides calcium, iodine, and an array of other micronutrients)


*You can easily switch this for peanut butter, or whichever nut or seed butter you prefer.

sugar free peanut butter recipe

Sugar free peanut butter version

**If you do not have mesquite, you can select your preferred natural sweetener; Coconut sugar would impart a similar flavour, but does not provide all the same vitamins and minerals as the mesquite.

***If you do not have access to VitaFiber you may add whichever powdered natural sugar free sweetener you prefer e.g. monk fruit, xylitol, stevia and erythritol mix – it just wont boost the final mixture with prebiotic fibres.

****If you add the protein powder you may need slightly more EVOO to keep the spread smooth and prevent it from clumping together.



Blend in a high speed blender, and enjoy over your preferred bread, protein pancake, gut strengthening muffin, or whatever else you will enjoy it with!

sugar free almond butter recipe

sugar free almond butter recipe

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in NYC. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, barre and HIIT class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea on how to make this world a healthier and better place.