Pumpkin and vanilla chai spiced resistant starch rich protein muffins

Hi everyone,

Today I wanted to share with you one of my absolute go to muffins on a weekly basis!

Besides being absolutely delicious, and with a great decadent dense consistency (yet still somehow fluffy), they also tick all the following nutritional boxes:

  • High protein
  • Rich in prebiotic resistant starches
  • Rich in prebiotic fibres
  • No added sugar
  • Low glycemic load
  • Antioxidant packed

..and for anyone who needs, they are also:

  • Gluten free
  • Nut free, and
  • Dairy free (dependent on your protein powder)


gluten free pumpkin muffin

If you want to boost them with some probiotics to have the pre and probiotics working in tandem,  you can simply serve them topped with one of my probiotic icing spreads (recipes on my instagram)

Whilst for a healthy fat boost to aid with satiety you can spread some of my  vanilla coconut and caramel sugar free peanut butter on top!

Yes, the options are endless, and yes, your tastebuds will thank you! 🙂

Sugar free peanut butter

Pumpkin and vanilla chai spiced resistant starch rich protein muffins

Serves 12



2.25 cups cinnamon dusted roasted pumpkin (just slightly less than 1/2 a butternut pumpkin)

300g Miracle Noodle shirataki noodles *

3/4 cup Natural Evolution Food Green banana flour (ultimate gluten free baking mix)

3/4 cup vanilla chai protein powder**

1/2 cup Natvia (stevia and erythritol mix)***

1/4 cup coconut oil (odourless and slightly softened)****

3 medium eggs

1 heaped tsp vanilla essence

1 tbsp cinnamon or chai spice mix

1 tsp baking soda

Dash of salt

Side notes:

*If you do not have shirataki noodles, you can create another version of this recipe by replacing the noodles with 3/4 cup of natural or coconut kefir.

**You can use a natural vanilla protein powder and add in a chai spice mix if you prefer, or you can just use a vanilla protein powder and not add the chai if you prefer to just make a cinnamon version.

I use a natural whey protein without artificial sweeteners, however if you use a plant based protein powder you may need to add some fluid as they often dry out slightly quicker.

*** If you live outside of Australia and have access to Vitafiber powdered sweetener this can be used in place for those wanting the prebiotic fibre benefits, and for those that may be slightly sensitive to erythritol.

I also sometimes leave the sweeteners out altogether and make a savoury muffin; By switching the protein powder to a neutral variety, and removing the sweetener, you simply get the natural sweetness from the pumpkin, and create a more savoury style muffin that can be used in place of bread with meals.

****If you prefer not to use coconut oil, or simply want to switch it up and make a peanut butter version, simply switch the coconut oil for 3 tbsp of natural peanut butter!

gluten free pumpkin muffin


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius
  2. Spray 12 muffin pan with EVOO or coconut oil
  3. Rinse shirataki noodles, and blend in a high speed blender to break down initial noodle type structure.
  4. Roast butternut pumpkin (or use canned pumpkin if you prefer)
  5. Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and mix until everything is well combined.
  6. Pour mixture into muffin pan and place in preheated oven for approximately 14 minutes (or until a skewer comes out clean).
  7. Allow muffins to cool slightly before removing them from the pan.
  8. Top with vanilla, coconut and caramel sugar free peanut butter, sacha inchi seeds, and tiger nuts.
  9. Enjoy!

gluten free pumpkin muffin

About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in NYC. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, barre and HIIT class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea on how to make this world a healthier and better place.

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