My short stint in Australia seems to have come and gone at lightning speed, and boy did my home country put on the goods this time!

Sydney Bondi Beach putting on the goods as per usual!

Sydney Bondi Beach putting on the goods as per usual!

I’m sure the fact that I had gone from an Australian winter in 2013 directly into the USA winter for 2013/2014, and somehow missed having a summer over the past 8 months, left me feeling happier than ever to be able to go outside and actually feel the warm sun directly on my skin. Simple pleasures in life. Simple pleasures.

Enjoying a home made chicken salad in the back garden in Melbourne with my parents after my flight from NYC, simple pleasures can bring so much happiness!

Enjoying a home made chicken salad in the back garden in Melbourne with my parents after my flight from NYC, simple pleasures can bring so much happiness!

All weather jokes aside, the time spent in both Melbourne and Sydney really did leave me feeling stronger than ever that those of us from Australia seriously do come from a phenomenal place in this world, and that equally, I definitely belong here in NYC at this point in my life.

The running comment whenever I saw someone was “you look…happy”… I actually couldn’t tell if that comment had a more loaded meaning that how it reads or sounds..but after hearing the same thing from absolutely everyone I saw, I thought..I guess I must look happy?! (or maybe it was just the tan starting to make my musky white skin glow again!).

Celebrating my grandfathers 92nd birthday!

Celebrating my grandfathers 92nd birthday!

Meeting up with many of my dietetic colleagues from Australia who are well into their careers, and whom I have always seen as the top of our field and who I have the upmost respect for, was extremely motivating (to say the least). Speaking with drivers of innovation within the field, such as Joanna McMillan and Karen Inge, as well as those behind the scenes of interesting food companies such as A2 Milk or Emma and Toms; and hearing either words of encouragement, admiration, or simply a desire to join forces with me and collaborate, was beyond humbling.

Meeting up with many of my exciting clients from back in Australia, and hearing the progress and launch plans for two companies in which I have been instrumental in new product development and will proudly be spokesperson for in the coming few months, was extremely gratifying (entrepreneurs out there could possibly relate to this).

One of the soon to be released products I have been working on!

One of the soon to be released products I have been working on!

Wonderful Pistachios continued to make waves with our media campaign, attaining radio, press, and online coverage nationally! Amusingly, besides some pretty comic media interviews to date (such as me sharing on national radio that I carry a spoon in my bag at all times to ensure I can buy healthy snacks such as greek yoghurt on the run, and be able to eat them!) I somehow found myself in Sydney attending a live interview for the Fitness First national publication, and upon arrival was told that the editor wanted to do a feature profiling on myself, as opposed to solely the article on nuts (which was the original plan as far as anyone else knew!)..lets just say that when I found myself explaining what had prompted me to write my book “The Clean Separation”, as opposed to discussing the nutritional benefits of pistachio nuts, I was definitely thrown left a field, but luckily only leaving myself and Wonderful Pistachios with positive results of attaining a double feature spread in their magazine!

Clean Seperation Front Cover copy

It actually became quite amusing that each editorial interview I had, which was meant to be for one article, turned into a double feature (not about me, but about my clients products and healthy eating)…this was all simply as a result of me not shutting up! (I think in these instances it worked out for the best!)

Lets just say that when someone says you are going to have a 10 minute question and answer session with me about nuts (or any healthy food for that matter), I hope you have the next 30 minutes (at the least) for some reason the conversation is bound to just keep on running!

Skinny dippa frozen yoghurt in Melbourne on Chapel St, low sugar, high protein, I was impressed!

Skinny dippa frozen yoghurt in Melbourne on Chapel St, low sugar, high protein, I was impressed!

Skinny dippa frozen yoghurt in Melbourne on Chapel St, low sugar, high protein, I was impressed!

Skinny dippa frozen yoghurt in Melbourne on Chapel St, low sugar, high protein, I was impressed!

I also had some interesting experiences with new companies in relation to making what I would refer to as ethical business decisions…I had been told for some time that this would begin coming way, but it really took to a new level on this trip.

Being offered spokesperson jobs for Australian products that some might spin to say could fit within their nutritional ideologies, but that I really just couldn’t hold my head up high at the end of the day for signing on to, and being asked to help represent international brands that wanted to carve their way into the Australian market, but that I saw as really of no value to the food and nutrition industry in Australia, were just a couple of the scenarios I found myself facing. I am happy to say that my philosophy still holds true, that if I don’t have my credibility, or any respect, then my words become useless..and that doesn’t seem like a very smart way to live.

Aside from the work excitement, spending quality time with my mother and father, puppy, and close friends, eating my way around Melbournes amazing food scene, and even somehow making my way to a health focused cafe in Sydney that I had wanted to go to for ages, and which completely didn’t let me down, called Whole Meal Cafe, all made for a very fun 2 weeks.

Spending quality time with my little one, Riley..happiness in its rawest form.

Spending quality time with my little one, Riley..happiness in its rawest form.

Hammer and Tong in Melbourne was phenomenal!

Hammer and Tong in Melbourne was phenomenal!

Hammer and Tong Lavender Custard - yoghurt with petals and berries…like art work!

Hammer and Tong Lavender Custard – yoghurt with petals and berries…like art work!

Coin Laundry in Melbourne is always amazing…no exceptions this time! Spanish breakfast with!

Coin Laundry in Melbourne is always amazing…no exceptions this time! Spanish breakfast with!

Syracuse Melbourne appetiser of cauliflower!

Syracuse Melbourne appetiser of cauliflower!

syracuse melbourne - food was like artwork

syracuse melbourne – food was like artwork

Amazing calamari salad from Coin Laundry

Amazing calamari salad from Coin Laundry

Pulled lamb salad from coin laundry in!

Pulled lamb salad from coin laundry in!

Coin Laundry falafel salad

Coin Laundry falafel salad

Whole meal cafe in Sydney was delicious. I wouldnt usually order the pancakes, but these ones made of almond flour and protein powder, topped with ricotta and blueberries were right up my alley..and boy did they taste good!

Whole meal cafe in Sydney was delicious. I wouldnt usually order the pancakes, but these ones made of almond flour and protein powder, topped with ricotta and blueberries were right up my alley..and boy did they taste good!

Whole meal cafe in Sydney had an array of high protein, gluten free, and just generally healthy options!

Whole meal cafe in Sydney had an array of high protein, gluten free, and just generally healthy options!

Whole meal cafe in Sydney had an array of high protein, gluten free, and just generally healthy options!

Whole meal cafe in Sydney had an array of high protein, gluten free, and just generally healthy options!

My friends wedding was the icing on the cake, seeing two people who are so right for each other, enter the next exciting chapter of their lives together, was the perfect way to wrap up, what was already an exceptional trip.



Parents came to join me at the wedding

Parents came to join me at the wedding

Now back to NYC for a little bit (and yes, the weather man decided to play some more jokes on me and drop the temperature to -2 again upon arrival for one last stint of winter!), followed by a surprise get away to the Caribbean that I got for Jases birthday in May, and a trip to Israel to finally be back as a family unit with my sister over my mothers birthday in July..something tells me the next few months are going to be somewhat exciting!

Until next time,

Stay positive and warm wherever you are reading this from in the world!

TD x



About The Author

Kara Landau aka "Travelling Dietitian" is an Australian Accredited Practicing Dietitian based in New York City. She is a world explorer, healthy foodie, social butterfly, and barre class lover. When she isn't trying new cuisines, researching new product innovations in the health food space, or speaking to the media on behalf of her food industry clients, she can be found quietly conjuring up her next idea in how to make this world a healthier and better place.

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